Sunday, December 24, 2017

Family Pets

I can't think of a Cuningham/Cunningham who didn't have a pet. Some did NOT like cats, but everybody liked dogs. There are a lot of pets out there and we can certainly add photos of more of them as this blog goes on. Melony, for sure has had ferrets, a horse, dogs of all sorts and parrots. All of us on this blog will have children and grandchildren who will want to know what pets were in your life. "Did you have a puppy Nana/Gramma?" "No dear, I had a ferret." 

So this page will start with pets long ago:

There is no picture of Ying Yow. But you can imagine. He was a full size Fox Terrier golden colored and had all the good and bad qualities of the breed. He loved and protected "Little Georgia" and her mother (Nana/Pearl Cuningham), he no use at all for anyone else.

Sissy (Pearl Cuningham Davenport) had a parakeet named Mikey. Actually she had several, but she didn't know it. Sissy was protected from the untimely death of several parakeets by her Mama. We would go to a store called W.T. Grants and buy a new one. When Sissy would wonder why Mikey stopped talking it was always the same answer: "Mikey is molting." Nana/Pearl was a great bird trainer and in a couple more weeks the new parrot would be screaming: "Sissy!!!" or "Mikey" and soon after that "Mikey love Sissy"! Nana/Momma Pearl and I would bury the old Mikey with great reverence in a Maxwell House coffee can in the flower garden.
Mikey's cage. Mikey picture was very over exposed and there has been "Artistic License" taken.
Then there was Bing, he was at his largest ten pounds. A Toy Fox Terrier with the mind and spirit of a well trained 75 pound Bull Terrier. He came home on a Syracuse City bus in Sissy/Pearl's handbag. Sissy was worried that he would make noise because no animals were allowed on a city bus.

There are quite a few pictures of Bing. He liked his photo taken:

Nana with puppy Bing

Gregory Cuningham with Bing. (I don't think Greg cared for small dogs.)

Young Georgia. Puppies let kids do anything with them.

Bing at full size looking very good.

Georgia's pet was Fluffy the cat. Nobody liked Fluffy the Cat. He was not allowed inside. When Georgia went to bed she would open the window and Fluffy the cat would sleep on her bed with her and Teddy the Bear. One winter we moved to a flat in Syracuse and Fluffy the Cat was lost before we moved. In the spring Fluffy the Cat showed back up scrawny, matted and NOT very Fluffy. After that Grandpoppa Cuningham let Fluffy the cat in the house any old time. Grandpoppa Cuningham was a "softee."

Fluffy the Cat and Bing

Fluffy the Cat all by herself.
Fluffy the Cat and Bing were friends. Fluffy the Cat was about the size of Bing when he/she, was only six months old. Fluffy was a very large cat.
Mean Fluffy and Teddy the Bear

Tonight I am writing this blog and listening to my Mean Fluffy snoring in the kitchen. When she was born about a year and a half ago, she had two sisters, Pretty Fluffy and Gorgeous Fluffy. We named Mean Fluffy, Mean Fluffy, because, well... she was mean. When they took their neutering trip to the SPCA in Ithaca, NY, the SPCA ladies begged to keep Pretty Fluffy and Gorgeous Fluffy because they were so beautiful and the sweetest cats they had ever met. They already had homes for them after just these few hours after their neutering surgery. Mean Fluffy's nose is reddish brown and you remember, she was Mean  Fluffy. We took her back home. She is the Sweetest Fluffy of all the Fluffies.

In this picture of the Mean Fluffy is sitting with Teddy the Bear. My brothers fought over the possession of Teddy The Bear until all four legs were torn off and Teddy the Bear lost his head. I ended up with Teddy the Bear. I am a sucker for hopeless causes.  I have moved several times and some of those times carried only what I had on my back and could carry in a pillow case. Teddy the Bear has always traveled with me.

Finally we have a picture of the Unknown Dog. Maybe it was one that Jim had when he came home from the Army. Maybe after he got married.

If you know about Unknown Dog, tell his story and it will be added to the Cuningham/Cunninngham family group.
The Unknown Dog

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